Management 3.0

Agile Team Leadership Workshop

Führe und entwickle selbstorganisierte agile Teams zu Leistungsstarken Teams – mit der Management 3.0 Mentalität und praxiserprobten Werkzeugen.
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Information zum Agile Team Leadership Workshop

Are you interested in learning how to build a high-performance team or how to create the right conditions for self-organization? Have you always wondered how to promote the growth and development of individuals as well as the entire team?

Then this training course is the right one for you! In this workshop-style training course, you will learn how to lead self-organized agile teams using the mindset and practical tools of Management 3.0. You will also learn how to develop them further so that they can deliver top performance and work efficiently.

Since 2023, Management 3.0 has been offering follow-up workshops to the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop. The Agile Team Leadership Workshop is one of them.

You will get to know various tools and practices so that you can experiment with your team. directly involve management and executives.

Discuss with others, for example, why it can be challenging to provide feedback at times or how a system can be created in which people build relationships, enhance interaction, and do so without direct involvement from management and leaders.

In this workshop-style training, you will also learn how to create greater satisfaction within your team. The goal is to create a collaborative work environment characterized by transparency, energy, commitment, and successful work outcomes. A prerequisite for this workshop is the successful completion of the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop, as its content serves as the foundation for this training.

Unser Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership Workshop bietet Dir:

The opportunity to understand what distinguishes high-performance teams and how you, as a leader, can actively influence the formation of a self-organized, high-performance team.

Experiences with activities and practices to foster greater closeness within your team and across teams

Knowing how to create a healthy feedback culture based on openness and transparency within the team.

The opportunity to implement a system that promotes more happiness and satisfaction within your team, thereby increasing performance and productivity

A wealth of detailed knowledge and practical experience on the following practices:

Diversity Index

Team Decision Matrix

12 Steps to Happiness

Personal Maps


Feedback Wrap

Kudo Cards

Niko-Niko Calendar

Happiness Door

Wer profitiert von unserem Training?

Leaders who want to deepen their knowledge after attending the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop or an Agility in HR Workshop

Project managers, change managers, human resources managers, managers from all areas

Product Owner and Product Manager

Scrum Master

Agile coaches

People who want to make their way of working more agile

In addition to your participation certificate, you will receive course materials in both German and English, as well as Management 3.0 resources, allowing you to immediately apply what you’ve learned in your practical work.