OKR (Objectives & Key Results) for Scrum

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Training information

The OKR for Scrum training is aimed at Scrum Masters, OKR Coaches or interested people who are interested in a perfect integration of OKR & Scrum and want to get to know the framework OKR from this perspective.

OKR is the agile framework for implementing strategic goals for agile and adaptive organizations. OKR became popular through Google and is being successfully applied in more and more companies. OKR excels at scaling agile principles throughout the organization. The most important role in the OKR Framework is the:the OKR Coach (OKR Champion etc) who:acts as a process guardian:in the OKR process, supporting the alignment and collaboration of people in the OKR process.

Scrum is the most successful agile framework for product development and has established itself as the de facto standard for complex and ambitious projects in recent years. Scrum is characterized by clear principles and enables the development of complex projects in fast cycles. The most important roles in the Scrum process are the team, product owner and Scrum master.

In more and more organizations, the two frameworks are coming together. Thus, the challenge arises to align both frameworks in a way that creates an effective and as lightweight as possible way of working.

Our training focuses on strengthening the work with Scrum in the context of OKR, so that both the Scrum team and the company benefit.

Our OKR for Scrum training offers you:

Knowing what OKR is and what value OKR brings to the organization and to your team.

You get to know the OKR framework with its events and how they interact perfectly with Scrum

You will learn about Outcome Based Planning (OBP) and thus build an optimal roadmap for your product development

You will learn how to build optimal OKRs with 5 steps that can also be used for your Sprint and Product Goals.

We will discuss all OKR events from the perspective of Scrum teams and let them be experienced with a prepared example

You will learn how to optimally balance OKR and day-to-day operations

You will learn how to transform OKR and Scrum into a unified Scrum Board

We will give a short outlook on tools that support an integration of OKR and Scrum

Who benefits from our training?

Scrum Master

Product Owner

Champion/Process Owner/Experts

Agile coaches

Scrum Team Members

Organization developers:inside



A basic knowledge of OKR is not required. The training is suitable for anyone who has basic experience in agile methods, such as Scrum, and wants to get to know OKR from the Scrum perspective and integrate it perfectly.

If you have any further questions about the process or certification, please contact us at [email protected].